ciao, eaterly! 坐Leonardo expre_ss 去機場 14 euros per each/記住要stamp張票!,在“買票的關鍵“時刻,旁邊有“說流利英語“的“有心人“來幫忙!真係“唔該哂“。 他們幫你是要收tips. 因此,我旁邊另一班外國遊客,係敢say no no no. 我就趁佢唔留意,“涉走“左!大家要注意!
One of our most popular excursions in Malta is the Jeep Safari with its unique way of exploring Malta. Discover the most beautiful and remote parts of our island that are hardly ever visited by tourists and enjoy scenic spectacles that only our professional Jeep Safari chauffeurs can offer. Whether its the cliffs in Dingli or the countryside along the northwest coast, this excursion is definately packed with action so it is recommended that reservations are done early within your holiday. We also have a swim stop scheduled in the program just to add to the fun together with a large selection of typical Maltese specialities that we offer with our superb lunch at midday.
(The central part of Malta that is dominated by the ancient citadel of Medina, once the Island`s capital city and steeped in history. Join us as we navigate through the narrow streets and mysterious alleyways of Mdina, also known as the `silent city`, that lead us to the awe-inspiring bastions from which we can take in an almost 360 degree panoramic view of the island. We leave Mdina through the Greek Gate and proceed to the catacombs followed by a drive to the south west of the island to Dingli cliffs which offer us breathtaking views of the open sea and the tiny island of Filfla. We proceed to Wied iz Zurrieq and down to the famous Blue Grotto. we are taken to the pretty fishing village ofMarsaxlokk whose waterfront is lined with luzzus all painted in traditional colours that make this bay so unique and where time is given to browse through the open air market held daily in this serene little village.)
St John’s Co-Cathedral is a gem of Baroque art and architecture. It was built as the conventual church for the Knights of St John. The Grand Masters and several knights donated gifts of high artistic value and made enormous contributions to enrich it with only the best works of art. This church is till this very day an important shrine and a sacred place of worship. It is also a venue for cultural events.
我覺得這是我去過的所有教堂中最富麗堂皇、最金碧輝煌的一座,其實有點像黃金。也許,只有耶路撒冷耶穌釘十架的那一家可比,但是,以色列的那一家教堂太過喧鬧,太多東正教的信徒在錫錫聖物,這一間的氣氛比較企理多了。至於,那在意大利VATICAN 的ST. PETER BASILICA 就太大,有點冷清。這一家在MALTA 是THUMB UP,果然,我喜歡BAROQUE的建築特色~~ 提提你,要付幾歐進場,值得。這裡有一個護衛,整天在跟我們說中文,還把我們這稀客,向他的同伴介紹,指手畫腳個隻,幾好笑的人。他為了自己識普通話和英文而非常自豪,對啦,其實他也很清閒。
之後,我們去了著名的THREE CITIES:Vittoriosa, Cospicua and Senglea