2015年8月23日 星期日

Flowers in Iceland

The biodiversity of Iceland

Plants of Iceland

Scandinavian (flora and fauna)


The Tundra Biome is the 2nd most deadliest environment.
The Tundra Biome has only 6 weeks of summer.
There is little to no precipitation.
The soil has very little nutrients for plants.
It the least inhabited by humans biome.
The Tundra Biome is the biome most affected by human pollution.
The sun is almost 24 hours up a summer day, meaning that there are mostly no nights.
During the winter, this biome has few hours of sunlight.
The Tundra Biome is covered permanently by a frozen layer of soil.
The Tundra Biome is the most vital role in keeping global temperature at a stable place.



Geum rivale, water avens 

Alpine bartsia

common wintergreen

Halberd-leaved willow

mossy saxifrage


Sea campion


Garden Angelica

Nootka Lupia

The Tundra 
The tundra is cold year-round—it has short cool summers and long, severe winters.  The tundra has a permanently frozen sublayer of soil called permafrost.  Drainage is poor due to the permafrost and because of the cold, evaporation is slow. The tundra receives little precipitation, about 4 to 10 inches per year, and what it does receive is usually in the form of snow or ice.  It has long days during the growing season, sometimes with 24 hours of daylight, and long nights during the winter.  There is little diversity of species.  Plant life is dominated by mosses, grasses, and sedges. 
Tundra Plant Adaptations
  • Tundra plants are small (usually less than 12 inches tall) and low-growing due to lack of nutrients, because being close to the ground helps keep the plants from freezing, and because the roots cannot penetrate the permafrost.
  • Plants are dark in color—some are even red—this helps them absorb solar heat.
  • Some plants are covered with hair which helps keep them warm.
  • Some plants grow in clumps to protect one another from the wind and cold.
  • Some plants have dish-like flowers that follow the sun, focusing more solar heat on the center of the flower, helping the plant stay warm.


夏日維京:挪威 DAY 1

挪威奧斯陸 (OSLO) ~~~~~~~~~ 今日由芬蘭赫爾辛基到挪威奧斯陸。我們住在經濟實惠的Citybox Oslo,一出火車站左面第二條直街,我們住在頂樓還有天窗呢! 雖然已是七月中旬,下微微雨,冷冰冰的空氣加入雨...