2015年2月28日 星期六
Street Art in Germany 德國塗鴉
Dresden Neustadt
Kunsthof strasse. 看到很多有趣的屋

我們走到Dresden Neustadt
回來以後,我們再出去火車站shopping. 同學仔都很開心,因為他們買到平野。
回來以後,我們再出去火車站shopping. 同學仔都很開心,因為他們買到平野。
我們在旅舍吃了早餐,便出發到East Side Gallery, Judische museum, Reichstag 之後去Die hackeschen hofe 食飯。
一直都很想去East side gallery. 因為我對東西柏林很有興趣,我對冷戰時期的歐洲關係很不了解, 希望可以有進一步了解。

見到不同的mural paintings在默默訴說著東西柏林被圍牆分隔兩地的歷史。 真是活靈活現。見到城市化一步一步入侵東柏林, 一棟一棟簇新的高尚住宅和重建project在柏林實施中, 更牽動了柏林人的神經。究竟城市化重要,還是歷史重要呢? 人們該如何取捨才對呢?
一直都很想去East side gallery. 因為我對東西柏林很有興趣,我對冷戰時期的歐洲關係很不了解, 希望可以有進一步了解。
見到不同的mural paintings在默默訴說著東西柏林被圍牆分隔兩地的歷史。 真是活靈活現。見到城市化一步一步入侵東柏林, 一棟一棟簇新的高尚住宅和重建project在柏林實施中, 更牽動了柏林人的神經。究竟城市化重要,還是歷史重要呢? 人們該如何取捨才對呢?
Street Art in London 倫敦塗鴉
在倫敦,坐地鐵去old street station.
我找了一輪,終於去左 East London 參加了Alternative London street art workshop,真的大開眼界。
不過,可以來到這區充滿了世界各地的頂尖街頭藝術,不得了。起初,有些人家要裝修外牆,嘗試了叫這些藝術家在牆上畫,現在他們畫圖一定有permits,否則坐牢坐兩年。其實,不參加導賞自己走來shoreditch就看得到/即是East end,喜歡拍照的人這邊有很多題材。圖片中有我用stencil噴的作品,找到嗎?最似外星人個幾隻。

11:00 -2:00 STREET ART TOUR & WORKSHOP £ 25 (4 hours)
Fancy yourself as the next Banksy? Or just want to learn how to create a piece of spray can art in a safe, relaxed and fun environment? Then join us for a street art tour and workshop!
One of our expert street artist guides will take you on a street art walking tour of East London where you’ll see some of the World’s finest street art by Banksy, ROA, Shepard Fairey, Jimmy C, Invader, Stik and many many more. Then, after a refreshment break it’s back to the Alternative London workshop to try it for yourself!
All welcome regardless of artistic ability as the Alternative London team will teach you all you need to know to help you to create your own piece of street art. For an extra £3 you can paint your artwork onto a canvas bag on the day to take home with you
Combined tours and workshops start at 11a.m. every Saturday and Sunday. The full four hour session is just £25 per person. This includes all stationary, spray paints and protective gear. Head to our bookings page to see available dates.
Arriving on the Day
We meet in the yard of 1-3 Rivington Street EC2A 3DT, which is 7 minutes walk from Old Street tube station, 7 mins walk from Shoreditch Overground Station, or 14 mins walk from Liverpool Street Station. Please arrive 10 minutes before the tour is due to start From Old Street Station (Northern Line) Exit Old Street Tube Station, exit 3. Walk along Old Street until you reach the junction with Great Eastern Street. Cross over at the lights towards the building with ‘Shoreditch Social Centre’ painted in the windows. Turn right to walk around the building, then left onto Rivington Street. We are in the double decker bus in the yard on the left. Please see link to Google Maps of location:https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/1-3+Rivington+St/@51.5260815,-0.0833798,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x48761ca55cbc3c29:0x5a42fb18a0ad7029 Our number is 07551911822 if you need to contact us.
We meet in the yard of 1-3 Rivington Street EC2A 3DT, which is 7 minutes walk from Old Street tube station, 7 mins walk from Shoreditch Overground Station, or 14 mins walk from Liverpool Street Station. Please arrive 10 minutes before the tour is due to start From Old Street Station (Northern Line) Exit Old Street Tube Station, exit 3. Walk along Old Street until you reach the junction with Great Eastern Street. Cross over at the lights towards the building with ‘Shoreditch Social Centre’ painted in the windows. Turn right to walk around the building, then left onto Rivington Street. We are in the double decker bus in the yard on the left. Please see link to Google Maps of location:https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/1-3+Rivington+St/@51.5260815,-0.0833798,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x48761ca55cbc3c29:0x5a42fb18a0ad7029 Our number is 07551911822 if you need to contact us.
Please make a note of our number in case you have any trouble finding us on the day or if you have any enquiries or need to change or cancel your booking please let us know as soon as you can. You can call us on 07791 220507 or email us at info@alternativeldn.com.
文章 (Atom)
夏日維京:挪威 DAY 1
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第一日 , 第二日 , 第三日 , 第四日 , 第五日 , 第六日 , 第七日 , 第八日 , 第九日 , 第十及十一日 --------------------------------------------------------------------...
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