2015年4月19日 星期日

東平洲2015 Mirs Bay



The oldest stratum in Hong Kong, as proven by existing fossil evidence, is a bed of Devonian sedimentary rock. It is mainly outcropped on both sides of Tolo Channel. Sedimentary pyroclastic rocks found around Pak Sha Tau and Wong Chuk Kok Tsui on the northern shore are called Wong Chuk Kok Tsui Formation. They are primarily sandstone, pebbly sandstone and conglomerate. The best outcropped areas of this formation can be found around Wong Chuk Kok Tsui at the northern tip of the channel. Influenced by the folding and staggering action of geological movements, the beddings are almost vertical. It is a breathtaking sight.

The rich Devonian fossils found in Tolo Channel provide a strong basis for determining geological age and sequence stratigraphy. They also help us understand how Hong Kong's natural environment evolved during that time.  (HK GLOBAL GEOLOGY PARK)

Ping Chau, or Tung Ping Chau to differentiate from Peng Chau, sits in Mirs Bay of the northeastern waters. It is the easternmost outlying island of Hong Kong. This crescent-shaped island, measuring 600 metres long and 200 metres wide, is renowned for strange rock formations. Unlike most other rock types across the territory, the island is made up of sedimentary rock including siltstone, dolomitic siltstone, mudstone and chert. This sedimentary rock strata is known as Ping Chau Formation. 

Many extremely well preserved fossils have been found within the formation. Fossil studies, investigations of rock properties and regional geophysics, as well as research in climatic changes during ancient times have confirmed that this formation is the product of sedimentation which took place in Early Tertiary. Layer upon layer of rock form a bewildering structure. The strata looks just like a huge book, guarding great mysteries of geological history within its numerous pages. Since no sediments after Early Tertiary have successfully solidified into enduring rock, Ping Chau Formation is the youngest rock in Hong Kong's geological history. Tung Ping Chau is a popular holiday destination. Its many fascinating attractions, such as wave erosion landscape, the shale that resembles a layered sponge cake and the unusually flat lay of the island itself, have drawn thousands of visitors to the island.

2015年4月18日 星期六





昨天,今天都在教室說起沙漠這課題,其實真實的沙漠是乾涸了的乍德CHAD 湖,是戰火連綿的蘇丹SUDAN,強悍的海賊SOMALIAN,飢腸轆轆的埃塞俄比亞ETHIOPIA,再來就是西非的伊波拉病毒EBOLA。如今,兒時對荒漠的幻想其實已被豐富的資訊所蠶食,但是,到了這一刻,我還未踏足過這一片荒漠。




2015年4月7日 星期二


由深圳北至湖南省長沙南 (高鐵)




SANY 三一重工

長沙->張家界 (旅遊巴士)




夏日維京:挪威 DAY 1

挪威奧斯陸 (OSLO) ~~~~~~~~~ 今日由芬蘭赫爾辛基到挪威奧斯陸。我們住在經濟實惠的Citybox Oslo,一出火車站左面第二條直街,我們住在頂樓還有天窗呢! 雖然已是七月中旬,下微微雨,冷冰冰的空氣加入雨...