Explore the urban development in Tsuen Wan through mapping the land uses and collecting the environmental data in the field.
2018年1月21日 星期日
2018年1月13日 星期六
Geography field study trip (Sai Kung)
For the coastal and geological field studies, we visited Pak Lap and East Dam in Sai Kung.
Weather on that day was amazing! Students learnt through the natural laboratory and had lots of fun.
Coastal processes
1. Measuring the sloping of the beach profile Pak Lap (Vertical: from foreshore to backshore)
2. Measuring the size of the sediments of the transect (horizontal and vertical sampling of sediments)
3. Observe Long shore drift
4. Assess the human development of Pak Lap (human)
1. Learning the orientation of dykes in Hong Kong (just like an 'X') and the formation of various features like the damming of the High island reservoir, sea caves, etc.
2. Learning the geological history of extrusive rock in Hong Kong. e.g. the tuff and hexagonal columnar jointing
3. Learning the effectiveness of the management of Geopark by Hong Kong government.
Royal Geographical Society
Geological map of Pak Lap and Sai Kung
Suggested answer:
https://www.pietsmulders.nl/ engeland_coastal-landscapes. html#Hoofdstuk3
Weather on that day was amazing! Students learnt through the natural laboratory and had lots of fun.
Coastal processes
1. Measuring the sloping of the beach profile Pak Lap (Vertical: from foreshore to backshore)
2. Measuring the size of the sediments of the transect (horizontal and vertical sampling of sediments)
3. Observe Long shore drift
4. Assess the human development of Pak Lap (human)
1. Learning the orientation of dykes in Hong Kong (just like an 'X') and the formation of various features like the damming of the High island reservoir, sea caves, etc.
2. Learning the geological history of extrusive rock in Hong Kong. e.g. the tuff and hexagonal columnar jointing
3. Learning the effectiveness of the management of Geopark by Hong Kong government.
Royal Geographical Society
Geological map of Pak Lap and Sai Kung
https://www.geography- fieldwork.org/a-level/before- starting/methods/sampling/
Here we've got some pictures of our field study!
Suggested answer:
1. Beaches . The beach is the zone of deposition between high and low tidal limits, which shelves downwards (= geleidelijk aflopen) towards the sea. - Beaches form where the waves have little energy so that they .. deposit the shingle ( .. carrying. - The largest beaches are usually found in bays, where the waves are .. generally weak. - Beaches are made up of rock fragments that have been eroded from .. cliffs and then broken up into smaller pieces and rounded off. - Sometimes they have been carried along the coastline by longshore .. drift (kustdrift). The swash ( golfoploop) carries particles of all sizes up a beach. When the backwash ( golfterugloop) returns to the sea it loses energytravelling down a gentle slope. As it loses energy, it deposits first the largest particles (shingle) The mud and silt are smaller and can be carried much nearer to the sea before they are dropped. - If a beach is very steep the backwash will have more energy and so .. might only deposit shingle ( kiezels) before reaching the sea. - On more gentle sloping beaches, where the backwash has litle energy, .. not only shingle, but also sand, silt and mud may be deposited. ............. A typical beach has sorted deposits: .............. - largest particles ( shingle) are found at the back of the beach and ............. - smallest ones (mud and silt) next to the sea. |
文章 (Atom)
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