8.4 Scotland Highland Tour (Day 11)
由於想去自然風光優美的的地方,離開超級城市後,我參加了這一個蘇格蘭本地團,可以帶你去很遠的島,每車團人數十二人左右。我去左Isle of Skye, 見到好多人在湖邊住幾天,同時,也是McQueen的墓地。由於這邊人不多,公共交通只能去到大城市,因此這邊有很多團可以選,相信Glen Coe 和Loch Ness 都是熱門一天團,有時間可去遠一點。曾經想參加行山camping睇日出的團,但我又行得比人慢,所以都係跟車團會好少少,這家是獲獎的公司,不錯。由一至八天團都有,費用只包導遊和車費。
5 DAY TOUR - 5 Day Essential Highland Experience
The Lowlands, Northern Highlands, the West Coast and Skye- 8/4/2014
Adult Price £350 (Tour & hostel price, not B & B)
Mondays: Departure: 0830 (We will meet at the check-in point no later than 08:15)
Friday Returns:1830
Tour will depart from 1 Parliament Square, Royal Mile, Edinburgh, EH1 1RE - just outside Caffe Nero. Our check in desk can be found inside Caffe Nero, please see below for a map;
Through the Trossachs to Oban...
This wide-ranging tour starts by heading west through the beautiful scenery of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park to Kilmartin Glen. Here you'll explore Scotland's ancient past. With over 5,000 years of history laid out before you, you'll be able to walk in the footsteps of the first Scots at Dunadd Hill Fort and the Temple Wood Stone Circle. Then it's on to the picturesque seaside town of Oban.
overnight stay at Oban
今天是蘇格蘭五天團的第一天,我早上八點已到集合地點,這裡風景如畫,上午沒有陽光,陰雨天氣,只有十一度,超冷,我們上了高地,去到Braveheart 拍攝的地方。很美,整個平原就只有這塊高地。