遊覽班芙國家公園(Banff National Park)、Bow Falls及市中心
今天去bow falls參觀,風景不錯, 我們到了附近一間歷史悠久的酒店參觀。聽說,因為這裡有溫泉, 所以鐵路工人完成鐵路工程,在此地建溫泉酒店, 就連瑪麗蓮夢路也來過這裡,酒店真是上等人的地方, 聽說這裡有房間是有鬼魂的存在。
之後,我們到了市中心行逛,所以我找到附近的bow river trail及tunnel mountain trail 行山,雖然完全沒有裝備,但也可以完成。
Elk in Banff National Park
在路上,遇到台灣朋友,我們一路行一路傾, 他還請我吃東西和車我回市中心呢!不過,如果能 跟同學一起行也應該挺開心的。
What is the Banff Red Chair Experience?
The red chairs placed in special locations around Banff National Park are all about taking time to connect with nature and with each other. Some are easy to find, while others provide more of an adventure. All of them offer a place to rest, relax, and reflect on the place you’ve discovered and the journey you took to get there.
Where are the red chairs in Banff National Park?
Print a map (PDF 9 MB) - and find them in these locations:
- Valleyview Picnic Area (Banff Legacy Trail or Hwy 1 eastbound)
- Lake Minnewanka Picnic Area (Lake Minnewanka Road)
- Two Jack Lake Picnic Area (Lake Minnewanka Road)
- Johnson Lake Trail (Lake Minnewanka Road)
- Tunnel Mountain Summit (Town of Banff)
- Cave and Basin National Historic Site (Town of Banff)
- Sulphur Mountain Summit (Town of Banff)
- Hoodoos Viewpoint (Tunnel Mountain Road)
- Tunnel Mountain Campground Viewpoint (Tunnel Mountain Road)
- Norquay Green Spot Viewpoint (Mt. Norquay Road)
- Muleshoe Picnic Area (Bow Valley Parkway 1A)
- Silverhorn Creek Campground (Icefields Parkway 93N)
- Glacier Lake Trail (Icefields Parkway 93N)
Where are the red chairs in Banff National Park?
Where did the red chair idea come from?
Our friends at Gros Morne National Park installed 18 sets of chairs throughout Gros Morne in 2013. Visitors have been seeking them out and sharing their chair adventures ever since! The program has grown to include a number of national parks including Banff, Yoho, Kootenay, Jasper and Elk Island!
到了市中心,在cafe碰到francis,我跟他說我上了山, 他說他也可能會,結果他真的上了山。山上的風景很美,值得一遊。 可以拍到很美的山,很美的雪和平原。
回歸大家,do some
shopping la,買了一些護膚品,買了一件外套,滿載而歸。
晚上還趕緊到pub吃了一份avocado salad,很清淡,但也很好味。