
Pat Sin Leng Formation
The Pat Sin Leng Formation varies from grey to greyish white, thickly-bedded conglomerate, tuffaceous sandstone, and reddish brown thinly-bedded siltstone in the lower part, through greyish red sandstone and occasional conglomerate in the middle part, to reddish purple, clayey siltstone with sandstone in the upper part. Subround to subangular pebbles, cobbles and boulders mostly comprise red and brown volcanic rocks
Fung Wong Wat Teng to Wu Chau. The strata to the north of Fung Wong Wat Teng (849700 839700 Kp-27) are approximately 350 m thick and have been intensely eroded. On the sea shore opposite Wu Chau (849300 840100 Kp-28), underlying yellowish grey tuff with a 20 mm-thick, brick red weathered zone is exposed and is overlain by reddish brown conglomerate of the Pat Sin Leng Formation. The proximity of northeast-trending faults parallel to the coastline has led to a steepening of the bedding on the south shore of Wong Chuk Kok Hoi and dips up to 45oto the north are recorded. At Wong Wan Sai Teng (849000 840800 Kp-29), tuff of the Tai Mo Shan Formation is thrust over the Pat Sin Leng Formation.
新界東北 \ 紅石門
落地生根(Bryophyllum pinnatum)的花淡紅色或紫紅色,花量多,花莖直立,高出葉面。多作庭園栽培,可用營養方法繁殖。
C611-C612 之間有一山路往紅石門