崇真會聯校地理老師FBQ 海岸實地考察及工作坊。
攝氏34 度石澳海灘及大頭洲!
做完計埋sin、cos, 數學返曬泥!學無止境。
Shau Kei Wan Tsung Tsin School
Not a eye shadow box but the sand, silt, clay box (after sieving).
headland 岬角
A tombolo linked up by boulders/a bridge.
Why are the boulders presence here?
Are these boulders a left-over or rolling stone?
honeycomb weathering on the geo.
Block disintegration (by form)
....can be complicated, pressure release, cw, bw, pw (by processes)
Use the code of the slope, find the contour line in CEDD webpage.
Testing the hardness of the rock. (deeply weathered or fresh rock?)
spot height
find a Geo next to this point
Sheeting (vertical)
sea cliff and wave-cut platform
Use transect to find the beach profile changes
(need to convert the ground distance and height of this profile by using the concept of sin and cos)
Can you find any error while working out the field study? Let's think about it.