2019年4月25日 星期四

墨爾本塔斯曼尼亞之旅 DAY 13

Wineglass bay Red mountains and crescent bays of Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania

Geographic formation of wineglass bay (Tasmanian geographic)

//The balancing force to winter’s westerly winds and waves in south-east Tasmania are the summer sea breezes. They are reliable as clockwork in coming ashore early each summer’s afternoon. As they form five to ten kilometres off-shore they have sufficient fetch to allow small to medium waves to be generated. Sea breezes typically make their land-fall at right angles to the shoreline – so around the south-east coastline they are typically blowing in from an easterly direction. This fortuitous combination of two opposing wind and wave directions has resulted in one of the ideal conditions for isthmus formation to be met.//

Geology and landform:

Honey moon bay 


Hobart central YHA




夏日維京:挪威 DAY 1

挪威奧斯陸 (OSLO) ~~~~~~~~~ 今日由芬蘭赫爾辛基到挪威奧斯陸。我們住在經濟實惠的Citybox Oslo,一出火車站左面第二條直街,我們住在頂樓還有天窗呢! 雖然已是七月中旬,下微微雨,冷冰冰的空氣加入雨...